Thursday, October 2, 2014

Manifold Labyrinth Dev Diary 3

Well it has been about 3 and a half months since I last posted, and I only managed to get about 3 weeks of work done on the game in that time, but it looks a lot better now.  I redid some of the graphic style and it think I'm going to keep the graphics how they are now.  

New stuff and what not...
I also managed to get some key and door functionally working.  Which is huge even if it doesn't sound like it is.  I required reworking a fair bit of collision functionality but that resulted in a whole lot better collision (along with removing a bug where you could walk along the wall).  I also had jumping in the game for a while, but I quickly realized the levels weren't designed with that in mind and would require me to redo every level.  So no jumping, which I don't think is a big loss overall.  Then I also added in a menu, its ghetto looking, but it functions quite well.

I also have three complete levels at the moment. Well one is literally you walk straight to the end so maybe only two. I have about four more simple ones planned which don't do more besides teach the basic mechanics of the game. 

I am quite pleased to see that the largest level, one that I had to make on paper, turned out quite well, but I do see a couple design problems already.  Two things really, there isn't much information I'm giving the player (which I knew already) and I'm not giving the player much choice.  The latter one is the real problem.  Because of the first problem, I'm feel like going to have to force the player to do a lot of back tracking.  Get key here, walk back to another door, get another key.  And then there is the problem of not having much choice, it is to easy to get through the level simply just by wondering around.  That's not a big deal for early levels, but it is going to make the game quite bland on harder levels.  

The solution to this problem I think could be one of two things, I need to add a switch that opens and closes a variety of doors, or I need to add some sort of block which can be push around.  The switch seems to be the best solution, and it would fit pretty well with the rest of the design.  Pushing around a block would just add to many possibility and would make the game more complected overall.  Another minor thing I would like to add is some sort of little marker you can shoot out, to help you keep track of where you are when you revisit areas, nothing game changing, just a little mark.

Anyways, here is the game...

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